The Yellow Sparaxis

Months ago I was trawling ebay searching for something unusual, something I hadn’t seen before.  Naturally I was looking in the garden and plant section and was quickly rewarded with an offering of yellow sparaxis bulbs.  Never having heard of yellow sparaxis I snapped them up without hesitation and planted them as soon as they arrived.  Now I’m pleased to report that they are indeed yellow!

Sparaxis grandiflora ssp acutiloba flowers WEB

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The Ugly Duckling

They say it takes all sorts but when I saw these swan pots in a country nursery recently I found it hard to imagine them ever selling.  I suppose you could argue that they are an improvement on the tyre swans which graced many gardens during the 80s…but only just!

These ugly ducklings grew up into ugly swan pots...

These ugly ducklings grew up into ugly swan pots...

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